/ / / / Definition of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Definition of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Understanding SEO
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is a technique for optimizing and maximizing the relevant value of web pages so that keyword ranking increases which is accompanied by increasing visitors from the Google Search Engine. SEO is done through a systematic process (analysis, implementation, report) which means doing SEO techniques that fall into the Blackhat SEO / Whitehat SEO / Greyhat SEO category. Every technique has advantages and disadvantages when we run it.

Like Blackhat SEO, which performs malicious actions with the aim of accelerating the ranking of a website on Search Engine searches, but has a dangerous impact. Whitehat SEO is a natural and relevant action in increasing the ranking of a website and this technique must be done. Greyhat SEO is a combination of the two previous techniques to improve website ranking. For Greyhat SEO it is indeed a combination of 50% but also has a harmful impact on your website. SEO which stands for "Search Engine Optimization" or Search Engine Optimization. SEO was first used on July 26, 1997 by a SPAM message posted on Usenet

Image result for pengertianSearch engine optimization
SEO Science
Various SEO methods or techniques that can be done, from the OnPage or Offpage Optimization Techniques, as well as analyzing the opponent's website and website that will be Optimized. On the next occasion I will post about Understanding On Page and Off Page SEO. SEO techniques are not knowledge that we can get at the level of formal education. SEO techniques must be studied self-taught (practiced) and continuous (the latest technical updates), and changes that occur in the SEO profession in accordance with the latest rules set by Google (Google Panda Algorithm, Google Penguin Algorithm, Google Hummingbird Algorithm, etc.).

Many websites provide the latest information about the latest techniques regarding SEO. It is more advisable for Junior SEO to keep up with definite SEO developments from the Google Blog or from well-known SEO Blogs, because Google does a minor update algorithm around 500 times a year and 3-4 times for major updates. But the core of every update certainly has a positive impact on Search Engine users.

Why is learning SEO with Google the benchmark? because Google has a user market of more than 90% compared to other Search Engines such as Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex in Indonesia. Google controls almost the majority of search engines around the world except China. Where by acquiring lots of websites and OSes like Android, of course Google's search engine will still be used as the main Search Engine. The following is an explanation given by Matt Cutts about "What are some myths about SEO?".

If you have a business website such as selling online, news, services, garment business and others, it's a good idea to also learn what SEO is. Because online business websites and SEO when put together, the results will be more maximal, another case if you only rely on websites without SEO. Simple tips for developing a business website is to rely on On Page SEO optimization first. Build a blog on a business website by providing interesting information about the company, the latest trends, trick tips, and various other information.

Benefits of SEO
After knowing what SEO is, then now will discuss the benefits of SEO for website owners. SEO techniques actually have a lot of positive impact on the owners of websites or blogs. The impact itself depends on the purpose of the website itself, for example affiliate websites coupled with SEO techniques will increase sales of affiliate products. There is also a website selling online combined with SEO so visitors increase, as sales will increase, and consumers will continue to return to your website (Trust System).

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