Lowongan Gudang PT Tirta Central Nusantara 2019

Hasil gambar untuk PT Tirta Central Nusantara

Perusahaan:        PT Tirta Central Nusantara 
Kota:                Jakarta
Jenis pekerjaan:Penuh waktu
Gaji:                Rp 3.5juta - Rp 4.8juta

Deskripsi lowongan

- Pria / Wanita

- Usia maksimal 40 tahun

- Minimal SMA/K sederajat

- Siap memajukan perusahaan

- Boleh Berhijab / berkacamata

- Pengalaman / Non Pengalaman

- Bisa bekerja dalam team

- Displin dalam kerja

- Fresh Graduate


-Gaji pokok 3,5 - 4,8.Jt/Bln

-Transport /Hri

-Jenjang karir


-Jamsostek/BPJS dan tunjangan lainnya


Bisa langsung kirim berkas lamaran lewat email atau whatsapp dan bisa kirim biodata diri untuk mendapatkan jadwal interview kerja dengan format:

-PT.Tirta Central Nusantara


-Tempat Dan Tanggal Lahir:


-Jenis Kelamin:

-Alamat Sekarang:

Kirim Melalui Via SMS/ Whatsapp Ke: 0878•8446•2252

Fast Respon Melamar Melalui Whatsapp

Ibu Anggraeni Puspita Sari .S.E.

(Personalia. HRD)


*Selama iklan masih tayang masih berlaku bagi yang mendaftar kerja diperusahaan

*Untuk yang baru lulus ijazah bisa menyusul dapat dengan melampirkan SKL(Surat Ket. Lulus / KTP)

*Harus Siap Interview di Kantor Wilayah Jakarta

*Yang tidak siap untuk interview kerja di kantor Wilayah jakarta diharapkan untuk tidak melamar


Lowongan Admin Whiz Hotel and Resto

Gambar terkait

Admin hotel

Perusahaan:        Whiz Hotel and Resto

Kota:                    Serang, Banten

Jenis pekerjaan: Penuh waktu

Gaji:                     Rp 4juta - Rp 6juta

Deskripsi lowongan

Persyaratan :

Pendidikan Minimal SMP, SMA/k sederajat

Bertanggung Jawab Terhadap Pekerjaan

Pria / Wanita Usia Maksimal 42 tahun

Pengalaman / Non Pengalaman

Siap Memajukan Perusahaan

Boleh berjilbab / berkacamata

Bisa Bekerja dalam team

Sopan, Elegan Jujur

Displin dalam Kerja

Fasilitas :

Gaji Pokok 4,2jt s/d 6,5jt/bln (negotiable sesuai posisi)

Transportasi + harian 80rb / hari

Mess / Transport / Jemputan

Seragam, Bonus + Shifting

Jaminan kesehatan BPJS

Lembur Normative

Premi Kehadiran



Bagi anda yang serius dan berminat kerja silahkan kirim Data Diri viaWhatsAppuntuk merespon anda lebih cepat memberitahukan jadwal Interview / Wawancara Kerja.

Dengan FormatWHATSAPP:

Nama Lengkap:_

Jenis Kelamin:_

Tempat / Tgl. Lahir:_

Pendidikan Terakhir:_

Alamat Lengkap:_

Posisi Lowongan Yang Dilamar:_

Kirimkan Format WhatsApp ke Nomor HP.0896.2974.2545


Hanya yang sesuai kreteria diatas yang akan dipanggil untuk interview

Penempatan kerja di Hotel,Resto dan Kantor cabang sesuai domisili

Tidak melalui yayasan / outsourcing


“Bagi yang kuliah bisa freelance Dan Untuk yang baru lulus ijazah bisa menyusul dapat dengan melampirkan SKL(Surat Ket. Lulus)”


((Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Tangerang Selatan, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikarang, Tambun, Sukabumi, Cirebon, ))

Proses INTERVIEW / WAWANCARA KERJA Akan Langsung Diinformasikan Melalui Email, Telp / WHATSAPP, Harap Baca Iklan Diatas Dengan Lengkap !!


Lowongan KerjaStaff receptionist hotel

Hasil gambar untuk Whiz Hotel & Resto

Staff receptionist hotel

Perusahaan:     Whiz Hotel & Resto

Kota:             Serang, Banten

Jenis pekerjaan:   Penuh waktu

Gaji:              Rp 4juta - Rp 6juta

Deskripsi lowongan

Persyaratan :

Pendidikan Minimal SMP, SMA/k sederajat

Bertanggung Jawab Terhadap Pekerjaan

Pria / Wanita Usia Maksimal 55 tahun

Pengalaman / Non Pengalaman

Siap Memajukan Perusahaan

Boleh berjilbab / berkacamata

Bisa Bekerja dalam team

Sopan, Elegan Jujur

Displin dalam Kerja

Fasilitas :

Gaji Pokok 4,2jt s/d 6,5jt/bln (negotiable sesuai posisi)

Transportasi + harian 80rb / hari

Mess / Transport / Jemputan

Seragam, Bonus + Shifting

Jaminan kesehatan BPJS

Lembur Normative

Premi Kehadiran



Bagi anda yang serius dan berminat kerja silahkan kirim Data Diri viaWhatsAppuntuk merespon anda lebih cepat memberitahukan jadwal Interview / Wawancara Kerja.

Dengan FormatWHATSAPP:

Nama Lengkap:_

Jenis Kelamin:_

Tempat / Tgl. Lahir:_

Pendidikan Terakhir:_

Alamat Lengkap:_

Posisi Lowongan Yang Dilamar:_

Kirimkan Format WhatsApp ke Nomor HP.0896.2974.2545


Hanya yang sesuai kreteria diatas yang akan dipanggil untuk interview

Penempatan kerja di Hotel,Resto dan Kantor cabang sesuai domisili

Tidak melalui yayasan / outsourcing


“Bagi yang kuliah bisa freelance Dan Untuk yang baru lulus ijazah bisa menyusul dapat dengan melampirkan SKL(Surat Ket. Lulus)”


((Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Tangerang Selatan, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikarang, Tambun, Sukabumi, Cirebon, ))

Proses INTERVIEW / WAWANCARA KERJA Akan Langsung Diinformasikan Melalui Email, Telp / WHATSAPP, Harap Baca Iklan Diatas Dengan Lengkap !!


Lowongan Kerja Accounting PT Pertamina (Persero)

Hasil gambar untuk PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina (Persero) mencari individu-individu berbakatdan berpotensi yang mampu mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang mengakselerasi pencapaianvisi: Menjadi Perusahaan Energi Nasional Kelas Dunia. Tahun ini Kami membuka kesempatanbagi tenaga kerja berpengalaman untukbergabung bersama kami, sesuai dengan keahlian dan pengalaman yang dimiliki

Kesempatan untuk berkembang di Pertamina sangat terbuka luas karena kami memiliki bisnis dari hulu sampai ke hilir,mulai dari Eksplorasi&Produksi, Pengolahan,Distribusi hingga Pemasaran produk-produknya,serta panas bumi.

Sebagai investasi kami di masa depan, kami menyediakandana yang sangat besar untuk menciptakan pekerja-pekerja berprestasi,menciptakanpemimpin-pemimpin masa depan yang tangguh, yang mampu membawa Pertamina menghadapi berbagai tantangan di masa yang akan datang. Kami jugaberkomitmen untuk memajukan riset dan pengembangan yang didukung oleh teknologiterkini.

PT Pertamina (Persero) kembali membuka Kesempatan kepada Putra-Putri Indonesia terbaik untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama menjadi Karyawan PT Pertamina (Persero).

Perusahaan:        PT. PERTAMINA (Persero)
Kota:                  Serang, Banten
Jenis pekerjaan:  Paruh waktu
Gaji:                   Rp 7.5juta - Rp 15juta


  1. Pria / Wanita
  2. Pendidikan SMA D3 S1&S2 semua jurusan
  3. Pengalaman dalam bidangnya
  4. Mempunyai kemampuan analisa yang baik
  5. Memiliki kemampuan dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
  6. Teliti, disiplin dan bertanggungjawab serta motivasi kerja tinggi
  7. Dapat bekerja secara individu maupun dalam team
  8. Kelengakapan berkas lamaran :
  9. Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  10. Foto Copy ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai
  11. Foto Copy KTP dan Pas Photo Ukuran 4X6 (1 lembar).
  12. No Telpon/HP dan Alamat email yang valid
  13. Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via Email,
  14. HRD PT.Pertamina(persero) Indonesia
  15. Email: pcc.pertaminapersero@ engineer.com


For you WordPress users will be spoiled with There are free SEO Plugins that you can choose to use on your WordPress WordPress optimization website. However, of the many SEO plugins in the WordPress library, you will find two of the most popular and most used SEO plugins by WordPress users around the world, the two SEO plugins are All in One SEO and SEO by Yoast. Indeed this second plugin has a premium version, but for me the free version is more than enough to make your site more SEO friendly.

All in One SEO is a plugin that has a simpler setting than its competitor plugin SEO by Yoast. For those of you who don't like complexity, this plugin will be suitable for you. And this plugin has a settings page that is one so you will easily follow this tutorial.

WordPress has been created as a friendly platform with search engines and has been optimized for SEO by default, but aside from the default settings, there are many settings that we need to do to make it more solid for search engines. Here is a complete configuration guide for All in One WordPress SEO Plugins, which will help your blog more SEO friendly.

To use the All in One SEO Pack plugin you must install and activate the plugin. You can see the Complete Guide article Install the WordPress Plugin if you don't know how to install the plugin on WordPress. After you activate the plugin, you will see a new menu called "All in One SEO" in your WordPress admin sidebar menu and click "General Settings".

General settings

In General Settings you can see the settings like the picture above, where I checked "Canonical URL", "Use Original Title" and "Use Schema.org Markup".

Homepage settings

In the "Homepage Settings" setting you need to fill in some details such as Home Title, and Home Descriptions. Here are some explanations about what you have to fill.

Home Title: Fill in your Blog's name along with Keyword (tag) or tag line, in this column you are advised to fill a maximum of 60 characters for better results. (Example: Center click the Complete Free WordPress Tutorial and Themes).

Home Descriptions: In this column you fill in the description of your blog, you are advised to fill no more than 160 packages. Make your description meaningful, informative and have rich keywords.

Home Keywords: This setting in the screenshot above is not visible because I do not activate it, because Search engines don't depend on Meta Keywords anymore, so you can ignore this field, but if you prefer to use this Keyword you can fill it with keywords that you aim at.

Title Settings

You can follow the settings for "Title Settings" as shown in the image. Or you can delete the format% blog_title% in the Post Title Format section.

And below are the settings that you have to adjust for "Custom Post Type Settings":

Custom post type

and the settings in "Display Settings", you can set it as shown above.

Webmaster verification all in one seo

Webmaster Verifications: this section is useful for verifying your WordPress blog with Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools and Pinterest. All you need to do is, register your site with all three sites, and take the verification key, and paste it in that section. You don't need to fill everything if you only register your site on Google and Bing search engines.

Google Settings: All in One SEO plugin supports Google Authorship. This will work well when you run a WordPress blog with a single author. Simply add your Google plus profile URL, and on your Google profile plus you add a link to your Blog too. In this setting you can also enter a Google Analytics ID which is useful for activating Google Analytics tracking for your blog.

noindex settings

In the "noindex settings" setting this is one of the most important settings, because you don't want your archive page to be indexed on Google. You need to know that the archive page is used for user experience and for navigating your site. When indexed on search engines, the archive page works as a low-quality page. So, preferably in this setting you select the noindex of all the archive pages.

At the bottom there is an "Advanced Settings" setting, uncheck the "Auto Description Generated," so that you can write down the Meta Descriptions according to your own wishes which can produce a better CTR.

keyword settings all in one seo

In the last setting is "Keyword Settings" (Keywords), and as I have explained above that now search engines do not depend on the Meta Keyword, in this setting they prefer to deactivate (disabled).

follow so that the SEO optimization of your WordPress website is more leverage and get a better ranking on the search engine. Please try and hopefully be useful

4 Blogging Tips to Make Blog Visitors a Lot

blogwalking to Indian blogger sites that have high pageranks. These blogging tips must be applied to get more attention from visitors to your blog so that they will come back again someday.

OK. There are at least 4 blogging tips to make your blog visitors feel at home exploring the content in your blog. These five blogging tips will be very easy for you to apply, especially if you are very serious about building it.
Hasil gambar untuk blogging
1. Take advantage of a neat blog design
If you are a user of wordpress blogs that have paid domains and hosting, then it's a good idea to think about which wordpress theme you are suitable for your blog. Due to the fact that self-hosted wordpress CMS users have provided thousands of free and premium themes that are very cool in cyberspace, then you should be wise to choose them.

Use a clean and neat theme and don't forget about SEO friendly. Most SEO friendly themes are very simple but very fast loading. Don't underestimate the simple impression on the theme you are using because 'usually' simple themes are more SEO friendly and loading fast. Instead you use a theme that is cool and complex but has a long loading and is not SEO friendly.

Theme that is neat, clean, loading fast, and SEO friendly is a plus for your blog while being more able to make your blog make visitors feel at home exploring the contents of your blog.

2. Don't use too many widgets
Too many widgets can slow down your blog. Use only important widgets such as Facebook Fan Page, ads, most popular articles, and so on. Too many widgets sometimes make your blog visitors feel complicated and uncomfortable.

3. Minimize the Use of Floating and Pop-Up
It's good to use floating for subscription feeds and advertisements or like Facebook Fan Page and other pop-up ads, but as much as possible minimize the use of floating and pop-up on your blog. Even though you provide the Close button for each floating and pop-up widget, it will be troublesome for your blog visitors and must click the Close button to read your blog content.

4. Quality Posts and Internal Links
Fill your blog with quality writing. This is very certain. Content is the King. The quality writing that you produce in your blog is always able to attract the attention of visitors and will always make them feel at home rummaging through the contents of your blog.

To further make your blog visitors feel at home unpacking your blog, use internal links that connect one writing to the other related to the text. Internal Links are also able to add the number of page views that will generate page rank and SEO for your blog.

3 Effective Tips to Earn Money from the Internet

It's no secret if we all can get money from the internet, even many people succeed.

Many people are willing to leave their jobs as employees to earn their own income through the internet, regardless of what they do.

The rapid development of technology today makes anyone able to access the internet anytime, anywhere easily and cheaply.

The ease of access makes it easy for anyone to use it for various purposes, especially getting money from the internet.

Of the many ways that are proven to be able to make someone get money from the internet, these are 3 effective ways to get money from the internet that you have to try right now.
Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Internet - freelance
1. Make an Online Store

The next way to make money from the internet is to sell digital products. If you have a product or service that can be traded online, try creating your own online store.
The cost of making an online store won't be as expensive if you decide to make an offline / physical store. The process is easy because right now, you can make an online store without touching the programming code in the slightest.

Selling products or services through your online store will later allow you to cover an almost unlimited market.
This will depend on your own marketing strategy, whether it is able to cover it or not.

2. Creating a Blog and Monetization

It's not something new if we use blogs to get money from the internet.
Through a blog that is popular with quality, interesting content and has a large number of readers to make a profit.
Moreover, there are many methods of earning money from blogs that can now be immediately utilized. The first thing you have to prepare is of course the blog. You can use the free blog platform (though I don't recommend it) like Blogger from Google and WordPress.com.

If you are ready to step into a more serious stage, create a more professional blog with WordPress.

After creating a blog, continue to develop your blog with a variety of interesting articles. This is very important. Fill in your blog only with quality writing, don't copy it!

3. Become a Freelancer
In today's digital age, almost all fields of business are integrated with the internet. Therefore, the need for digital assets is increasing over time.

Digital assets that I mean here are such as graphic designs in the form of post images on social media, animation, and banners. Video content is also very popular these days.

Or for those of you who have the ability to write or translate well, you can also take advantage of these skills.

Becoming a freelancer is also one of the ways to get money from the internet which is increasingly effective these days.

Besides being suitable for those of you who have a lot of free time, freelancing is also suitable for those of you who don't like working as employees and all office routines.

Here are some skills or professions that you can sell as a freelancer:

  1. Graphic design
  2. Videographic
  3. Author
  4. Translator
  5. Video music / soundtrack
  6. Programming
  7. As an influencer on social media such as Instagram
  8. Become a consultant
  9. Virtual Assistant
  10. Reviewer
  11. And much more

Tips to Change Wordpress Default Folder

The various files that you have uploaded on the media library on your WordPress site will be stored in your hosting and located in a folder or directory (wp-content / uploads). Among WordPress users, you might want to change the default upload folder name, WordPress to another name as desired by the user. But this currently cannot be changed easily because after WordPress version 3.5 was released, the feature to change the upload directory path that is on the Settings menu is no longer present.

If you are currently willing to change the name of the default folder, you don't need to worry because in this article I will give you a guide on how to change the location of the default WordPress upload folder to your liking.


There are various reasons why users might want to change the default WordPress upload folder or directory. In order to improve WordPress's speed performance, this makes it possible to host images on subdomains, also make backups more efficient. Changing directories can also structure different URLs and organizations for media files.

The method is quite easy, please open your wp-config.php file, the wp-config file is in your cPanel web hosting file manager. After that, please add the code below. You can change the word "my picture" in the code to your liking.

define('UPLOADS', 'wp-content/gambarku');

Make sure you add the code above before the line:


If the Folder in the wp-content does not yet exist, WordPress will automatically be added to it. You can also manually add what you want to make but make sure it matches the name of the folder in the code above.

You can also change the upload settings. If you open your upload folder, you will see that the file, by default, is sorted by year. You can change your file organization so that all media files are placed in one folder. Please set in the Media Settings menu and uncheck "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders."
Media Settings WordPress

Unchecking as above will not only make your URL simpler but will also make it easy to see your files in one place rather than having to sort through months and years in each folder.

After all the above settings are complete, please upload the image to your WordPress site and see the changes that occur, so now the file you uploaded has a different URL and goes to the folder that you have adjusted.

Important: If you change your WordPress default folder name when your site has been running for several months and has several saved files, your image will not appear. This happens because the URL has changed. You can change the URL quickly using the Velvet Blues plugin Update URL

And above is an easy way to rename upload folders or change the default folder location in WordPress to your liking. Hopefully this article is useful and good luck.

How to activate Adsense Matched Content Ads

the latest and most complete ways or steps that can be followed and carried out in activating Adsense Matched Content Ads. It should be noted that to follow this tutorial, you already have a Non-Hosted Google Adsense Account whose ads have appeared on your website or Adsense whose ads appear and can be used. If you already have it, then below are the latest and most complete tutorials and ways that you can follow and do in activating Adsense Matched Content.
Image result for Mengaktifkan Iklan Adsense

How to activate Adsense Matched Content Ads
1. Enter your Adsense Account (Adsense.com).

2. After that, select and click Settings.

3. After you are on the settings page, the next step is click My Site.

4. After that click the (+) sign to add to your website.

5. After your website has been successfully added, please click on the website, then click verified site.

6. Done After you follow the steps above, please wait 1 or 2 days, if your site has conditions to display Adsense Matched Content Ads, then you will get a Matched Content menu in the My Site section, just below the Overview.

Website Terms For Adsense Matched Content

There are several conditions for Adsense publishers to use their site to install Adsense Matched Content Ads or suitable Ads, these conditions, if you read Digoogle Adsense, are included below

Image result for Adsense Matched Content
Website Terms For Adsense Matched Content.

1. Having quite a lot of visitors
Based on the author's experience, one of the author's websites that is permitted to display adsense ads that match the content or adsense matched content, is a website whose visitors are around 400-500 per day, the more the better. Where visitors are visitors below from the search engine.

So, based on this experience, it can be said that visitors must certainly be quite a lot.

2. Unique Number of Pages
In this section, according to the author is the category that you created on your website, including articles that are in that category, make sure you have articles and categories of articles that are not too few, if you expect Adsense Matched Content to be used on your own website.

The above are some conditions for website owners to be able to use Adsense Matched Content on their website.

How to Change the Display Language on a Google Adsense Account

1. Enter Adsense.com

2. If you are not logged in, then please login first using the email and password from your Gmail account.

3. After you have successfully logged in or previously logged in, you will be taken to your Adsense Dashboard page.

Cara Mengubah Bahasa Tampilan Di Akun Google Adsense

Description: If the display of your Google Adsense Account uses English, then you will get the words "Estimated Earnings" in your income box ("See Picture").

After that, to change your display language, please click Settings.

4. After you click Settings, you will immediately be taken to the Settings page. To continue, please scroll down

For a full explanation, note the information below

a. Display Language: In this section, please select Indonesian.

After that, to continue click Save.

5. After you click Save, please click Home to return to your Google Adsense Dashboard page.

Cara Mengubah Bahasa Tampilan Di Akun Google Adsense

Description: Now in this section, you will get the words "Estimated Earnings", not "Estimated Earnings" anymore ("See Number.2 Part Description"). Which means the display language of your Google Adsense Account has changed to Indonesian.

6. Finish

Note: It should be noted that this change in the display language on the Google Adsense account to Indonesian will not cause everything to change to Indonesian, because only part of the settings or views change to Indonesian, but some of them remain in English.

The above are the latest and most complete ways or steps that you can follow and do in changing the display language in your Google Adsense Account.