/ / / / Definition of Marketing

Definition of Marketing

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What Is Internet Marketing? 
Maybe all this time our understanding of internet marketing is just selling on the internet. Actually it's not wrong because when viewed from the definition, internet marketing is online marketing through the internet. However, if we have talked about marketing, it means that it is not only sales but also includes promotion, branding, and fostering customer service that is done online.

Then, what's the point of us doing internet marketing (online marketing)? Of course, every businessman, both offline business owners and online business owners, would want to increase their sales results or want to make their brand more famous. Well, the internet is one of the excellent media to provide information to internet users (netter) about their business, and also as a medium to sell the products they have.

Internet Marketing for Source of Income (Source of Income)
At present, the Internet has become one of the lifestyles of the people in Indonesia, especially for those who have gadgets with the latest technology such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. Take a look around you, almost everyone already has a smartphone, even the siomay masons already have a BlackBerry so they can directly promote their merchandise. Live Broad Cast, the promotion goes to customers who also have BlackBerry, the signal is selling well hehehe.

Running internet marketing to get income can be done with several types of businesses, including PPC (Pay Per Click), PPS (Pay Per Sale), PPL (Pay Per Lead), selling their own products, and online auction businesses such as
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1. PPC (Pay Per Click)
PPC (Pay Per Click) programs are mostly carried out by the owner of the website / blog to earn income from their site. The income earned from this PPC program is derived from clicks made by visitors / visitors who are interested in an ad on the site. Publishers or site owners will be paid per click made by visitors to the site, where the price per click has been determined in advance by the Advertiser / advertiser. Income depends on the number of ad clicks and also the price of clicks that are bid by the Advertiser.

Some companies that offer PPC programs include:

  1. Google Adsense
  2. Bidvertiser
  3. Chitika
  4. Infolinks

2. PPS (Pay Per Sale)
From the name alone we might be able to understand this program. We will get paid every time a product is purchased from our affiliate link. The amount of income depends on the amount of goods sold, and also the rate of percentage of commission from the owner of the item.

Companies that offer PPS programs include:

  1. Amazon.com
  2. Clickbank.com

3. PPL (Pay Per Lead)
This is an affiliate program where the seller / vendor will give a commission every time we succeed in sending leads to the seller / vendor. For example, we direct internet users to register with e-mail newsletters, free trials, or fill out forms, through our affiliate link. One of the companies offering the PPL program is MaxBounty.com.

4. Selling your own products or other people's products
Right now, selling something through the internet is not something extraordinary. We can sell anything through the internet whether the product is physical or digital. In addition, our offline business can also be marketed through the internet. For example we have a business selling fried onions, just sell via the internet, there must be someone who buys :)

In addition to selling their own products, we can also get income by selling other people's products, whether physical products or digital products. One process of internet marketing by selling other people's products is by becoming someone else's product reseller or dropshipper. Likewise with digital products, we can become an affiliate marketer for a product that is sold by someone else.

5. Online Auction
On the internet there is also a place to sell something that belongs to us or belongs to someone else we help sell, by auction. Of course this can be profitable because we can sell our goods to people who bid at the highest price.

A well-known company that provides online auction facilities:

  1. eBay.com
  2. Lazada.com
  3. Bukalapak.com
  4. Etc

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