/ / Tips for listing Google Webmaster

Tips for listing Google Webmaster

Look carefully, the experience of blog writers who easily approve the AdSense review 2018 is an already updated blog on the Google search engine without access errors. Even without visitors, if the blog is already included in the GSE index (Google Search Engine) and all links have no compilation errors accessed, then there is considerable hope for blogs that get AdSense licenses. How to see if the blog has been indexed by Google is

by quoting the search code as follows

Well, the way to quickly index Google search engines is by registering them with GWT or Google Webmastertools. Here's how:

  1. Open the google.com/webmasters/tools/home link. At the very top there will be an Add Property panel. Click there to register our blog.
  2. Enter the blog address in the Add column
  3. Will appear select Alternate Methods Html Tag Copy the available HTML code.
  4. Enter blogger.com, Edit Html Theme, Paste the code just below the <Head> code or before the <body> code first. Save
  5. Return to the GWT site, click Verify. If successful, a successful notification will appear with a green check mark.
  6. Return to the GWT homepage. Look for the domain address that was just registered. Then click on the domain name option.
  7. Select Crawl menu, Sitemaps, Add Sitemap, Type Sitemap.xml, Submit
  8. Still on the Crawl menu, enter Fetch as Google, select one between FETCH and FETCH AND RENDER (optional), Request Indexing
  9. Select one, fill in the captcha, Go

Finished. Now your blog is registered with Google Webmaster Tools. Just waiting for the indexed blog, while filling out the article.
This process will usually take up to several days. Sometimes blogs are indexed faster. Before the latest Google update, it was generally not until 24 hours the blog was indexed in the search engine.
Well, it's like me fishing fish. Now the pole and fishing line are ready.

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